Many insurers, especially multi-line companies, often struggle to find a clear roadmap for their health insurance business. Roadblocks to a smooth pathway can include unwieldy claims processes, distribution channel issues and difficult provider relations.
Helping identify the problems and finding which solutions are right for you are key to your firm's ultimate success

We offer our clients top level strategic review, market research and development across different markets and business lines, including market entry and business improvement strategies.
BCI can advise you on the best ways to tailor products and processes for your local markets. Our aim is to provide solutions which improve revenue generation and profitability.

In the Mergers & Acquisition space, we give our clients an edge by providing insights drawn from our health-related experience and expertise.
BCI can provide research, commentary and preparation work for insurers and other related parties and coordinate with their financial advisers to ensure that any M&A decisions related to the health arena are based on solid foundations.

The best strategies can be undermined by inefficiencies in execution and operation. BCI will help you avoid these pitfalls.
Our expertise in undertaking operational reviews and audits will identify those procedures which can be improved. And then we can help you implement those changes to maximize efficiency and cost containment across your business model.

Partnership Management
Not only can BCI connect you with our extensive network of providers and service & wellness partners, including PBM's and TPA's, but we can help train your team in how to develop and sustain their own contracting and partnership capabilities. We can also assist in the execution of partnership agreements.
For employer groups, BCI can advise on self-insurance and wellness options.